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What Is A Shadow Board?

02 May, 2017, , on

Shadow boards are increasingly being used by businesses in order to improve productivity and minimise time loss due to misplaced equipment. They are an effective way to store tools, supplies and equipment in a way that anyone can understand, because they are a visual rather than language-based solution. So what are shadow boards, and how can they benefit your workplace?


What is a shadow board?

 The idea behind shadow boards is a simple one: they are an ingenious way of organising storage for tools and equipment that is easy for everyone to use. Instead of having tools lying all over the worksite, shadow boards use the outline of the actual equipment as a way of organising the workspace at a glance.

 Shadow boards are a form of visual storage that makes it easy to locate and store equipment in a clear and simple way. Typically, the board is located close to work benches or areas where they are most frequently used. All it takes is a sheet of MDF or plywood, with some paint and hooks to delineate the equipment spaces.


What are the advantages of using them?

 Avoids waste – shadow boards reduce wasted time and wasted resources, because they save companies from having to replace lost or misplaced items.

 Time saving – shadow boards enable staff to find the items they are looking for quickly and easily, without spending too much time locating equipment.

 Multiple applications – they can be made in many different sizes and located in numerous areas throughout the business, customised for each location.

 Facilitates efficiency – shadow boards are regularly employed by businesses that are using 5S principles to increase the efficiency of their workplaces.

Shadow boards are a simple yet effective way to streamline storage options for businesses, as well as contributing to the type of standardisation in the work place that enhances efficiency. Easy to implement and inexpensive, they are a small change that can make a huge difference to the overall productivity in your workplace.


Looking for an easy way to increase the efficiency of your workplace? Download this free guide and make a change today! 

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